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Clinical leadership ensure our health center provides exceptional service.
Quality Measures
All health centers in the nation are closely monitored to ensure the highest quality of care for patients. Heartland Health Center regularly exceeds national and state standards of care. In doing so, our patients can know that they are receiving exceptional service.
Our clinicians employ evidence-based care within their practice. Evidence-based care, or EBI, is a process health centers utilize to ensure decisions are made on the basis of reliable scientific evidence. EBI providers engage with up-to-date medical research in order to deliver patients well-informed care.
Ending the Use of Tobacco
This UDS measure counts the number of individuals over 18 who were asked about their tobacco use and received tobacco use intervention. The goal is to help our patients reduce their use of tobacco. Below shows the number of patients whose tobacco usage was addressed.
Caring for Those With Depression
This UDS measure counts the number of individuals over 12 diagnosed with depression who received follow-up care. Our integrated healthcare professionals are able to provide a multitude of resources to help individuals diagnosed with depression. Below shows the number of patients receiving follow-up care for depression.
Reaching a Healthy Body Weight
This UDS measure counts the number of individuals aged 3-17 with body mass index documentation that received counseling for nutrition and healthy physical activity. Below shows the number of patients that received counseling .
Lowering Blood Pressure
This UDS measure counts the number of individuals aged 18-85 with a diagnosis of hypertension whose blood pressure was lowered to less than 140/90, as shown below.
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